This was a show I was happy to be in and proud to show at! I wanted to share it again. Fresh from the Woolsey Fire, and now the Pandemic of Covid-19 I am still working on my figurative collection. View my original work at
Written by Tim Skogstrom President and Founder of the Cornell Winery
Exhibiting October 2016 – December 2016 ?The gallery @Cornell has been displaying the work of local artists for 10 years now. We have been so blessed to be a part of so many people’s journeys and then having them become a part of ours. Locating and discovering established and budding artists in our own community has added such a depth to our own experience, as with artistry being such a personal expression it often leads to personal connections. My own collection started with the development of Cornell Winery & Tasting Room, with each show we fall in love, all over again with yet another artist!
In honor of our mission to locate and promote local wine, art and unique items of interest, we have nurtured a relationship with Sheila Fein. Recently, Sheila was helping craft promotional shots for her daughter utilizing the winery as a backdrop, her daughter is an aspiring Comedian. We had met previously but our familiarity with each other’s craft was minimal. Sheila introduced me to her work and I was instantly intrigued. She is a machine, she lives her art and produces constantly. After being presented with what seemed like hundreds of her drawings and paintings, we both identified an interesting theme and it surrounded the actual people in her work. What Sheila was telling me were personality traits and quirky notes of each model’s own story as she presented the piece. I soon discovered that the figure models who work here in Los Angeles are actually part of a small, close society and one that is full of personality. Being given insight into the layers of the model, I began to see the personality traits flow through the work itself. This experience is and was something that I immediately wanted to share.
Sheila Fein is an accomplished artist who has branded her work as Fantasy Pop and after getting to know her, this brand fits as her energy and cadence aligned. While reviewing her art, I noticed a great amount of restraint on her part. I have interacted with many artist who immediately begin to interpret their own work often times in a very subtle way, but the intention is fairly easy to read. Sheila shared her work with me and simply enjoyed my interpretation, which mirrors a comment in her artist’s statement. “My philosophy is to work without the critic on my shoulder and let my imagination guide me.” Sheila can identify her own take and personal signature these days but she credits the masters like Dali, Picasso, and Erte with showing her paths of never ending ways to combine images and styles.

Exhibit Opening
By Sheila Fein
October 14th, 7-9pm
Please join us in welcoming Sheila to the Cornell family and drop by to view her work, we have over 30 pieces on display. If you would like to meet Sheila, we are hosting an exhibit open house on October 14th, from 7-9pm. Sheila, as well as some of her models, will be joining us for light hors d’oeuvres and some of Malibu’s finest.